Oct 4, 2007

Project #2: Freedom of Information

So, during project one, I noticed that it was really hard to get a message out to the Towson community. We all know that worthy events and causes can pop up at the last minute. Many barriers exist to broadcasting a message:

1) Not enough time or money to take out an ad in the community papers.
2) Can’t post signs on walls, because the tape could ruin the paint job.
3) Can’t post on windows or glass because someone has to clean up the glass.
4) If you are not an official club, it's "illegal" to post anyway.

I’ve been brainstorming ways to help people get their message out. I thought about rigging up an overhead projector/slide projector to put signs/pictures on blank walls. This would cut down on paper and printing, as well as alleviate the need to clean up any tape, but it costs over &150 to buy an "overhead." I also thought about getting schools to donate, but what if they still use them. I need a cheap solution that I can build myself. I’ve been searching Make, Instructables, etc and have a lead on a type of electric sign. After discovering “throwies”
http://www.instructables.com/id/LED-Throwies/ and
Persistance of Vision http://www.instructables.com/id/MiniPOV3-Kit/ , I think this may be the direction will take my project.
A POV projector for the Art Building. See http://www.instructables.com/id/MiniPOV3-Kit/
I think I will somehow build a prototype based on this concept.

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