Oct 2, 2007

New York, New York!!!

During our trip to New York, we visited the Cooper Hewitt Museum and its exhibit, "Design for the Other 90%." I was encouraged to see how many designers are working on products to improve the conditions of this earth; especially those employing smart design, sustainable resources, and upcycling (a practice discussed in Cradle 2 Cradle). As we walked the streets of New York, we stumbled across a street fair. One vendor upcycled a window screen into a jewelry display. Beyond its upcyling benefits (consuming less, low cost, less landfill) it allows light into the tiny, dark booth, and helps the vendor to watch which products people are most interested in, without hanging over their shoulder. Security is an added benefit.


Jangrrrrl said...

great job, Claire.

shakesengland@yahoo.com said...

I loved our trip to NY I hope we do more things like that evan though we all have limited time. As for the upcycling I love it. To reuse something that most of the time would be thrown away Great.